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We would like to tell you about our foundation that is designed to help New Orleans area children that have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Doctor’s estimate that in the future 1 in 68 children will be diagnosed with Autism and that number is growing. Most people personally know a child that is affect by Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome or another form of ASD.

The Let’s Play Foundation is a non-profit foundation that has been launched to help these children and fill in the gaps that may exists in their prescribed treatments.

It is our mission to provide these children with the resources (both medical and social) to overcome the obstacles and challenges, which their certain situation may pose in their lives. Let’s Play Foundation is based on the principle that “every child needs a friend”. Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families have discovered this is not the easiest thing and the child suffers from not having the social contact. The ability to make friends and communicate is an important part of a child’s development but for many children with ASD this is a tough task.

We provide funding for Music Therapy, Art Therapy, ABA/Social Therapy, Physician assistance and tuition assistance for families that cannot afford the programs on their own.

Our goal is to reach as many children as possible throughout the Greater New Orleans area. While many other Autism Foundations and non profits collect donations for these disorders, it is our sincerest intention to keep the funding we receive in New Orleans to help the children of the city that so desperately need the resources.

While you may not think that this is disorder that directly affects you, it does. Without the help of generous people like you these children will grow up and may become a burden on many systems, which are already under strain in the New Orleans area. If one child does not get the help he or she needs they can grow up, not be self sufficient or worse turn to non productive behavior that will lead them down a path of destruction in their lives.
Please visit our donation page to give to the Let’s Play Foundation. If we can be of assistance to a child in need or have further questions on how you can help, contact us and we will get back to you shortly. If you would like to join our mailing list for upcoming events and fundraising please send us a short message on the “contact us” link.

Thank you for your consideration for this worthy cause.
Please remember, “because every child needs a friend”.

Click the Donate button to make a contribution today.


Let's Play Foundation

Metairie, Louisiana 70003




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